The Old Mill Theatre is fortunate to be operating out of one of the most historic buildings in South Perth. It was opened in 1899 as a Mechanics Institute Hall. South Perth Council bought the building in 1913 and renamed it the Mends Street Hall. The council still owns the building, and supports our use of it, re-dedicating it formally to the Old Mill Theatre in 2009. The building first became a home of theatre in 1948, when the South Perth Dramatic Society moved in. The name Old Mill Theatre was first used in 1958, and the company was incorporated in 1959. In 2009, the theatre celebrated its 60th anniversary. A number of significant changes to the building have occurred over the past few years, with major extensions completed in 2002. An understage tunnel, which links our two backstage dressing rooms, and enables easier access from one side of the stage to the other, was completed in 2008. Bathroom facilities have also been installed backstage as part of this project, which is wholly self-funded.
The Old Mill Theatre is fortunate to have strong support from the City of South Perth. The city undertook major renovations to the exterior of the building in 2008 and the theatre is looking better now than ever before. We are a not-for-profit organisation. Our directors, actors and other staff do what they do because of a love for theatre – we are all volunteers. We’re very proud of the reputation that we have earned for putting on some of the best live theatre in Perth.
The theatre is governed by a Board of Management. The board consists of nine voluntary members elected at an AGM. Members are elected to the board for two-year terms and these are staggered so only four positions are elected each year. Any person who has been a member of the theatre for the previous two years may nominate for a position on the board.
The position of Chair is elected at the AGM. Board members elect executive positions (vice-chair, treasurer, and secretary) at its first meeting of the year.
The Old Mill Theatre (Inc.) Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 5 February 2025 at 7:00pm
at The Old Mill Theatre, Corner Mends Street and Mill Point Road, South Perth.
Documents for the meeting can be downloaded here.
The Old Mill Theatre (Inc.) is formally registered as an association in the state of Western Australia. Our constitution can be found here.
Have you ever thought about getting involved? The Old Mill Theatre relies on volunteers to continue operating and is a community theatre in every sense. If you're a little nervous about getting up on stage, why not put your hand up to work backstage? You could learn how to operate lights and sound, build or paint a set, design and create costumes, serve teas and coffees, or work at the bar... there's a place for everyone!
If you're interested in joining our friendly group of volunteers please contact us via email: enquiries@oldmilltheatre.com.au
Please note that everyone who volunteers or performs any work at the theatre is required to become a member. This is to provide yourself, and the theatre, with insurance.
$20.00 (Single Ordinary - One Ordinary Membership)
Entitles an individual to act, direct, vote be an active member of the theatre and can attend and vote at general meetings and the AGM to vote on motions as required.
$30.00 (Double Ordinary - Two Ordinary Memberships)
Same as single membership but provides a discount for two members that sign up at the same time.
To become an OMT member, you can sign up online now. Alternatively you can manually download and print out our membership form. Once filled out with your details, return by post to the Old Mill Theatre - PO Box 1390, South Perth WA 6951